Find out when you will receive your stimulus check from the IRS

Find out when you will receive your stimulus check from the IRS

The first batch of$1,400 stimulus payments was processed Friday, with additional large batches of payments to be sent via direct deposits or through the mail as checks or debit cards in coming weeks, the officials said.

“Even though the tax season is in full swing, IRS employees again worked around the clock to quickly deliver help to millions of Americans struggling to cope with this historic pandemic,” IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said in a statement. “The payments will be delivered automatically to taxpayers even as the IRS continues delivering regular tax refunds.”

That means a family of four earning up to $150,000 will receive $5,600. Unlike the first two payments, which were limited to children under 17, this round of checks will also go to all qualifying dependents, including college students, adults with disabilities, parents and grandparents, the officials said.

As of Sunday, taxpayers can log onto the Get My Payment tool on the IRS website to check the status of these payments HERE:


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