02 May National Day of Prayer
May 2nd is the National Day of Prayer. We hope you’ll pray alongside us today as we lift up our worries, concerns, fears, and desires to God. Save this post, and when you have a moment, follow along with our 5-minute prayer below.
– Take 30 seconds and clear your mind of the things in your way; your to-do list, emails, texts, games, coworker or family struggles, and sit at the foot of the throne.
– For about one minute, let’s first thank Him for His goodness, and praise Him for knowing and loving us unconditionally.
– For about one minute, let’s cover our world in prayer. Let’s lift up first all those who do not know God, and ask for Him to be made known in their lives. Then, those around the world who are suffering from hardships, war, famine, disease, and other things out of their control. We boldly ask for healing and miracles today.
– For about one minute, let’s pray for our nation; for our leaders (1 Tim 2:1-4), for those in need, and for God’s presence and direction in their lives. Take a moment to pray for your city and surrounding areas, and for the lost who need to be saved.
– Take about one minute to confess your situation to God, and ask for Him to work in your life. Be honest. It’s okay to not have “all the right words.”
– Finally, take another 30 seconds and thank God for already knowing our needs and prayers, and for listening to us whenever we come to Him. Thank Him for the work He has yet to do.
Additional prayer activity:
Encourage someone in your family to join you in this prayer later today.
Have a wonderful and prayerful day.